

I would like to remember you some  things.

- Tomorrow will be 21st of November and it is time to begin to create the new magazine. Please I need you send me your sections when you have finished. (that is very important, please,  don´t forget  it) At the moment I have  only mounted three  sections but I think that they look really great.

- Do you remember the prezzi about Halloween? It is in a page called "Halloween Game" Only five of us have participated, at the moment. If you want, you can write comments about the photos of the other partners. We can make it  on the same prezzi. Tomorrow I am going to do it with my students. I will ask them which is their opinion about the photos of their new friends?

- In the page of November I proposed to do a crossword about  the thanksgiving day. I wrote three words with their definition. Now we have seven and I think that 10 can be a good number for doing it. Try it. On the 28th of November will be thanksgiving and We can use the puzzles and the crossword for teaching our students a story about that  day. 

- In the public blog of Twinspace are the  school address de four of us.  Sandor, Casey, Elena and Sandor. We are going to exchange  through ordinary post Christmas Cards. It would be beautiful that all of us shared  with each others. We must have prepared them before November  finished and send them on the first days of December if we want that we pupils can have them before the vacations.

- We have talked to sing "Silent Night" in our native language. It is not necessary to sing all the song. We can sing a stanza or as you prefer. Make a video and send to the twinspace. I open a file in December page.  We can try to join them in an only video.

And finally. We have a blog (blogger) for all of us. 6 of us are joined and now it is time to use it. I am going to hang all this news, there.

A very big hug my friends.

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