
Peace day

Today we celebrated the Peace day in the school. Our tutor  prepared with us a nice theater called "the colors of the rainbow"

All the students and teachers wore a white T-shirt. Lourdes, our music teacher had taught us a very nice song. We did the peace or hippy symbol with our bodies. At the end we sang the song while we danced. As usual, we had a great "peace  day".


We are all European

Here, you are the last version of "We are European"
It would be great than Diana, Mary and Elena send their photos. When it happens our movie it will be complete.
Congratulations dear partners for your works.



This month, we learnt the numbers until one hundred.
This is one of our works. We didn´t join to  the magazine because it can´t see very well. Anyway, we want to share with you,  here.


Christmas Cards

Today we have been doing a nice book with all the Christmas Cards that we have recieved.
We decided that every day one of us  will carry the book their home so our parents can apreciate so beautiful work. At the end we will give the book to the school library.
María will be the first student who will show the Christmas Cards  at home.


The Roman Mérida

Tomorrow we will return to school and it is time to work again. This month, we are going to show you our beautiful city. Here you are a nice video about the place where we live.